Our Mission
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Our Mission

Be Dedicated, Be Humble, Live!

To carry on the passion and vision of Andrew (Drew) Grabowski, by providing access to safe and inclusive skate parks for youth, through community partnerships, and funding for skate park construction and maintenance, as well as offering mentorship and educational opportunities for young skaters to build their skills and reach their full potential.


Why it matters

When a family member, or friend passes away unexpectedly they leave behind things not done that they started and meant a lot to them. So sometimes you have to help finish what they started.

With Andrew it was his love and passion for skateboarding. We want to give all kids the chance and help to achieve their goals. Skateboarding gives kids of all ages self confidence, and pride. As they learn new tricks they learn how to balance their bodies, and get a lot of fresh air, and exercise (which is a big plus from having them stare at screens all day).  Friendships are made quickly and no one puts you down for not being as good as them, skateboarders help others learn no matter age, gender, color, religion, or even handicap, as long as you have the willingness to learn and to always have fun!

Help us achieve our goals and please donate today to help the community and the kids. They all have dreams! Help them get there!

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